**create a Heroku account. make sure you have your credit cared information stored in Heroku. Do not worry. It will not charge you. Because we will need to use mLab’s MongoDB.
mkdir store
cd store
git clone https://github.com/reactioncommerce/reaction.git
cd reaction
heroku create
heroku apps:rename myteststore --app (current-name)
heroku addons:create mongolab --app myteststore
heroku config:set ROOT_URL=http://myteststore.herokuapp.com
heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/swrdfish/meteor-buildpack-horse.git
git push heroku master
Note: change “mytestshop” to a different name.
There is a better buildpack for Heroku: https://github.com/AdmitHub/meteor-buildpack-horse
then you can access:
other resource: http://www.growthux.com/ux-html-css-js-growth-hack/installing-meteor-on-heroku